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L.A., SoCal, United States

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 6 - Practical Design Projects


: The difference in objects, in their state of being through color , size , shape or texture, through an obvious way to make things pop.

Here is the apple website
http://store.apple.com/us?afid=p238%7CseIEs444j-dc_mtid_1870765e38482_pcrid_71178692287_&cid=aos-us-kwg-brand , and here there is contrast in the texture colors of a dark grey and black but also the change in shapes of their products.


Here we see a image of Mark Cavendish, British cyclist advertising his line in cycling equipment for the  Specialized cycling co.
And in this image we see a contrast in the shades of black, grey and the color green which stands out and catches our attention because of the big contrast in colors

The Emphasis is the center of attention which stands out because of it s contrast its color(s), shape, contrast of values or placement.

In This image of a Lamborghini ad,
We see the emphasis is put on the car to catch our attention. Itis what they want us to focus on.
In this imag we see a group of golf balls but what catches our attention is the red ball which is emphasized by being put in the mddle and because of its bright and diffferent colo from the rest

Balance The Balance is the way  a picture is set up. It can be set up w all the weight of the image being on one side , or maybe it being actually balnced.
here in this image we see a living room but  most of the objects are pictured on the right side of the room making that side look heavier and that being th e balance.
here again we see the weight sort of being put on the right side with the woman and that being unbalnced but we do see her laying against her out line which may or maynot cuase a balance


proportion is the relation between objects  through their size one bigger than the other and how they scale

In this image we see a lamborghini  and an American Airlines plane. The proportion in this image is shown with the lamborghini seeming a bit bigger than the plane in the back.

In this image we see the eiffel tower and a girl posing from a distance of it.
We see that the tower is a lot biggger beause the people around it look minature.


perspective is the way objects are made to bee seen. they can be flat or have multile dimensions.

here in this image we see a long hall way, the perspective shows us a long flat floor and the walls with parts of the insides of the walls. 


in this image of a pencil because of our perspective ogf the pencil we see it's flat botto and it's multiple dimensions.


Beauty at all times of the day

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Week 4b - Vector drawing continued  Here is my attempt at creating a stamp on adobe illustrator