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L.A., SoCal, United States

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

- Creating a new canvas (document) 
(press command N) 
- Interface navigation, drawing tools 
pressM then click and drag on your paper and draw rectangle (Illustrator's shapes & using the Pen Tool) press L for ellipse tool
*ellipse like a oval or circle
*polygon is a 6 sided shape
*flare is what happens when you get a number amount of circles as a result of pointing a camera to a bright light source 
(go to window workspace and essentials)
 pen tool allows you to create lines and curves
- Setting the Fill Color, and the Stroke Color
- Saving file formats (saving for Adobe Illustrator editing vs. Saving an image for the web)

monochromatic images: images made from one color or shades of a color.


Wk 3a - Introduction to Adobe Illustrator
(I) Watch Mr. Webb's demonstration and post notes to do the following on your blog:
- Creating a new canvas (document)

*we make a new document by pressing command N to make a new canvas

*we have a tool box on left  , menu bar on top ,and panels on the right

*profile should be set to print, size should be at letter, and orientation should be set to portrait

*rectangle tool(M)

*rounded rectangle tool makes rounded edge rectangles and squares

*ellipse tool makes circles

*star tool makes stars

*press L for ellipse tool

*ellipse like a oval or circle

*polygon is a 6 sided shape

*flare is what happens when you get a number amount of circles as a result of pointing a camera to a bright light source 

 *pen tool allows you to create lines and curves

- Interface navigation, drawing tools (Illustrator's shapes & using the Pen Tool)
- Setting the Fill Color, and the Stroke Color
- Saving file formats (saving for Adobe Illustrator editing vs. Saving an image for the web)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Week 2 - Signs & Visual Communication, Part 2a - Elements of Design

Week 2 - Signs & Visual Communication, Part 2a - Elements of Design 


A calligram is a poem, phrase, or word thats  arranged in a form that creates a visual image. 

                                   Here we see the word ANT composing a the figure os an ant.

In this illustration wee the picture of a PIE created from the way it is spelled P I E .

Here we see the word CAT and MOUSE  composing the figures of a cat and mouse.


A pictogram is a image that sends out a message or instruction simply through its self illustration.

This is a pictogram of a man throwing out trash.the message it sends out is for people to throw their trash in the trash can.

This pictogram shows a cigarette being crossed out. And its significance is to send out the message of "no smoking".

Here we se a pictogram of a person in a wheel chair. The purpose of it is to show a disabled area or other thing made and specifically for the disabled like parking.

In this pictogram we see 1. The captain and co-captain of a plane, 2. the flight attendants, 3.the security checks, 4. The flight check in/ registration, 5. the walking isles  , 6. the luggage carrier  7. waiting and unloading area 8. The luggage pick up and 9. the luggage transportation to the plane

Here we see images from a Olympics event.
In the illustration it shows,  1. swimming 2. running 3. squash 4. boxing 5. cycling 6. gymnastics 7.hockey 8.   rugby 9.tennis 10.basketball  11. rugby  10.marksman 11. lawn bowls 12. table tennis 13. triathalon 14. judo 15. weightlifting 


A form of writing and typing that uses pictures to represent words
This rebus puzzle says i am happy to be me.  The eye  the laughing girl the pea plant the meat and the cat all represented words here in the puzzle.

This puzzle is ment to say Solar Eclipse .The shoe sole and paper clips are replacing words here.
Free beer for a year is what this puzzle says. And the  image of a bee  a ear and the number 4 all replaced words here.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Signs & Visual Communications, Part 1


                         An Alphabet is a set of letters that are used to write in a one or more languages.
-Street sign
     A street sign is a sign used to identify named street roads . 

A paid announcement  used to promote goods or commercial products

An exact and special place of the celestial sphere

ASCII symbols
 Symbols used to represent English characters and numbers

Electronic symbols
Photo's used to represent various electrical and electronic devices 

A form of communication that is done by using sounds andnis based of the latin Alphabet

The language a way of communication for the deaf people using hand signals

An elemental symbol within  a set of symbols, representing a readable characters for the purpose of writing and expressing thoughtsideas and concepts